Subsonic Artz – Computer Welt – Repro 1 Soundset

Original price was: €20.62.Current price is: €10.31.

Autumn Sale

It’s quite simple to guess that Computer Welt was built with a clear purpose in mind : To get as close as possible to the Kraftwerk’s sound DNA.As a big fan of the famous band of Düsseldorf (and also of some other Krautrock’s bands like Tangerine Dream…) , i found this idea of building a dedicated bank really really exciting.

To bring this unique project to life (to our knowledge, no other bank of this kind as been done for a Vst, except the Synth-Werk from Best Service but this one is a sample library) , I decided to use the Repro-1 Vst cause i was really astounded by its sounds and its features (specially the integrated sequencer).

After some first tests and a few patches, the project was definitely adopted.

Presets after presets, we designed Computer Welt  to reproduce those  typical robotic and electronic sounds from the 70’s and early 80’s.

    • There are 126 carefully crafted presets in Repro 1 – Computer Welt.
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