Here at Stingray Towers, we are keen recyclers. From old patch cables to long forgotten snapped drum-sticks, we find a way to reuse everything. The same can be said with some of our older soundsets. Rengoku 1 was our first ever cinematic soundset for Omnisphere . We took the idea of purgatory and created some darker, more ominous patches using a combination of organic sampling and synthesis. After being well and truly spooked, we made some angelic patches to make us feel better. Then the rain happened, it got a bit windy so we made some demonic patches to vent our hideous rage.
The result was 70 patches of lovely sounds, dark sounds and some downright hellish sounds. Totally unique, very cinematic. The weeks passed and Regoku 2 was created as 70 patches was a bit on the tiny side! Today, we have combined the two collections into one “complete” collection featuring 140 cinematic patches in “angelic”, “purgatory” and “demonic” categories. Not only that, but each collection has been tweaked, improved and we’ve ensured all the spellings are correct in the fanciful narratives that accompany each patch! Oh the stories they can tell!
Our aim is to create something unique that hasn’t been heard before. The “complete” collection achieves that, but there is more…
Rengoku Complete SE is the new Sonic Extension version of the soundset. Included are the 140 patches of Rengoku Complete and 140 Sonic Extension versions. That is 280 patches in total. These require the UNDERCURRENT and NYLON SKY Omnisphere Sonic Extensions which are available from Spectrasonics.
SPECTRASONICS OMNISPHERE 2.6.2 or above is REQUIRED to use the Rengoku Complete soundset
Important upgrade information.
If you wish to upgrade to Rengoku SE or to Rengoku Complete – please visit this page, as all upgrades go via the Stingray Instruments website: